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The power of female voices in tech

In recent times there have been significant shifts in the rhetoric surrounding strong female voices in male dominated industries. While there is value in platforming these conversations, listening and responding systemically are different. There is a difference between giving validity to such voices and individuals actually being heard. In an industry that built itself under the shelter of a united mindset, it could be argued that each employer has traditionally undervalued the unique advantages diverse opinions can offer.

The power of female voices in tech

Creativity within Tech begins with products that take individual needs into consideration. What better way to engage your employees than by allowing them to explore their own individual needs while they work. This presents incentives for productivity and innovative thinking. As well as the necessary safety to grow into their role on their own terms, instead of compromising to fit into a conditioned environment that serves only one set of objectives.

Statistically speaking, women represent a minority of the STEM workforce. In a study by the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission from July 2022, the disparity was even clearer: Women were shown as 90% more likely to pursue a career in science than in technology sector jobs. Although, figures from CompareCamp, a leading SaaS software comparison site, suggest a different story: Gen-Z women are positioned as “Digital Natives”, with as many as one in three learning to code before their 16th Birthday. Specifically, Gen-Z women were adept in two of three coding languages, JavaScript, Java and Python. all of which are often sought by hiring managers.

Despite compelling evidence that women are more than capable of pursuing and succeeding at careers in the technology sector, only 38% of women who graduated with a computer science degree are presently working in the field. This is compared to 53% of men who earned the same degree. This can often lead to uncomfortable but necessary conversations.

It is in the hands of established figures to uplift unheard voices. Bespoke firms, with smaller workforces are in a better position to invite vulnerability and open debate from their workforce. Platforms such as LinkedIn are a cost effective means of beginning this type of communication, as well as a tool for establishing meaningful relationships with like minded industry professionals and those who have seen their opinions neglected. In the hope of instigating these important connections and providing industry insight for the young and inexperienced.

Q:chi is beginning a campaign of ideas and communication where questions are invited, in a new series of curated posts from Q:chi Director of Project Services, Karen Popplewell. It is not always easy to ask when you do not know the right questions, so we hope to create a friendly melting pot of ideas giving greater insight into the needs of our workforce. Through these small changes, firms of many sizes can get creative and share their ideas around inclusivity with us. Ultimately, through open participation we can all benefit from hearing new perspectives. As no matter the size of the voice, all deserve to be heard.

Published: 15th February 2023

Last Edited: 10th March 2023

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